Thursday, October 6, 2011

Did You know that there are tens of thousands of Toxic Chemicals in American Products?

"Did you know that there are tens of thousands of toxic chemicals in american products?"

"Ava Anderson Non Toxic" has revolutionary products that are "Non Toxic" for your whole family.  Our products are so safe, that even a newborn baby can use our products.

Ava Anderson Non Toxic is committed to providing the very best products for you and your family with "No Harmful Chemicals".  We bring you safe, healthy, beneficial products in environmentally safe packaging.

Products that claim to be "natural", "organic" and "pure" are not necessarily non toxic.  Every day we put toxic chemicals on our skin, our largest organ, that gets into our blood.  The body burden of the average adult is over 485 chemicals.  In 2004, the Red Cross randomly tested newborns for the Environmental Working Group (EWG-the creators of the cosmetics database) and found 287 chemicals in the bllod cord of infants. 
Learn more about the toxic issue, our products and the business opportunity on my website
e-mail me at
or call me at 720-333-7947

October Specials!

Order $50 or more get FREE shipping.
Order $75 or more get free shipping & free exfoliator.
Order $125 or more get free shipping, free exfoliator & free cleanser.
***You must e-mail me or call me to get these special offers.

I love referrals and new customers.  All get a gift from me, for being a new customer and/or referring a friend with an order.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! I am a mother of 2 and a third on the way. I didn't think that what I put on my skin was such a big deal. I only thought of what I ate. Now I will for sure check my products and get rid of the high toxic products and swtich to Ava's lines.
